> Winter Seminars
Jan. 29th, at 1100 / Come listen to Jahn tell the stories of when him and a friend circumnavigated the Florida peninsula by sailboat, canoe and on foot (1200 miles) last March.
HOW TO: R.C. with speaker Heidi Bay
March. 4th, at 1300 / Our fleet captain will run through all the basics you need to know in order to volunteer for Race Committee Duty (a requirement for people who park a boat or use the Shared Boat Program).
HOW TO: P.R.O. with speaker Heidi Bay
April. 8th, after Spring Clean Up / Our fleet captain will be holding a refresher and review for members who volunteer as a PRO. This will run through all the mechanics of running a regatta as well as scoring it. Anyone is welcome to attend.
HOW TO: SUPPORT BOATS with speaker Bryan Bay
April. 30th, at 1300 / Bryan Bay (+ other volunteers) will run through each boat and make sure everybody knows safe and proper operation of our support boat fleet.
OTHER SEMINARS BEING PLANNED: How to use Flares. Father Time (the story behind the ship’s clock), and more (bring your ideas to me!)